At Home Away From Home in Pembroke Pines, we offer a toddler daycare program that can help your little one grow, learn, and develop in a stimulating and nurturing environment. During your child’s toddler years, they are making great developmental strides and our child care center can help ensure they are being stimulated and continue to develop new skills. Learn more about our toddler program and contact us today!


Benefits of Our Toddler Program:

Experience a world of growth and exploration with our renowned toddler program at Home Away From Home. Our daycare for preschoolers is meticulously designed to provide a wide array of benefits that foster your child's development and happiness.

  • We will help your child hit important developmental milestones in their toddler years.
  • We provide a stimulating and nurturing environment that encourages learning and growth.
  • Your child will be surrounded by children their age, allowing them to socialize and develop social skills.
  • Our daycare teachers provide support in a fun and active environment.
  • Daily activities are planned to encourage toddlers to learn and explore the world around them.

Toddler Program

During this time in your child’s life, they will be learning and developing new skills every day. From taking their first steps and potty training to beginning to speak, your toddler is going to grow a lot in the next few months. During this time, one of the best things you can do for their development is to provide a stimulating environment that encourages learning. At Home Away From Home, we work hard to create an environment that will help your child learn and grow.

Our caring and friendly staff will make your child feel at home in our classrooms, allowing them to learn in a comfortable environment. We work hard to make sure that your child has everything they need to thrive.

What They Will Learn

At Home Away From Home, we are more than just a licensed daycare center. We are an educational child care center that works to provide your toddler with educational experiences to help them grow. Learning is important at this age as your child will be taking in the world around them constantly. We provide your child with what they need to learn.

Throughout their enrollment in our childcare center, your toddler will embark on a journey of immense learning and growth. These skills are ones that they will carry with them into the next years of their lives and will help them in their development.

Social Skills

With our toddler program, your child will be able to spend time around children their age as well as adults. This can help them develop their social skills and learn how to properly interact with others. Social skills are important for young children to learn and daycare is a great place for your child to develop these skills. Your toddler will be able to play with other children as well as work on different activities together. Socializing is important for young children and we make sure to incorporate social activities in our daily routine.

Motor Skills

This is also a time in your child’s life when they will develop motor skills. Both fine and gross motor skills are important for kids to learn and we will help them in our classroom. Fine motor skills involve small muscle movements, such as holding a pencil, molding play-dough, and other similar tasks. Gross motor skills include activities such as running and jumping. Both are important for your child to develop and work on at a young age. Our daycare center organizes engaging activities that target both fine and gross motor skills, enhancing your child's overall development in a fun and interactive way.

Knowledge-Based Skills

In this program, we will also begin to help your child learn different knowledge-based skills. From counting to learning the alphabet and more words, we will help your child begin to learn the basics of preschool learning that will help them throughout the rest of their lives and academic journey.

Enroll Your Toddler Today!

If you are looking for a childcare center in Pembroke Pines, Florida, that helps your toddler grow, learn, and develop, Home Away From Home is a perfect choice! Enroll your child today and feel free to reach out to us with any inquiries you may have.

Enroll Your Little One Today


Learn More About Our Daycare & Learning Center



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